Reaffirming Our Commitment to Inclusive Excellence at UCI


Dear Campus Community,

UCI’s commitment to inclusive excellence is all the more important in the wake of the presidential election. The election certainly underscored the strength of our democracy. At the same time, the contentious campaign rhetoric engendered fears and reinforced concerns about the capacity of our society to be diverse and inclusive. As a proudly diverse campus community, it is important for us to stand together as one.

Our campus vision of inclusive excellence rests within each of us. This vision seeks to build and sustain a community where all expect equity, support diversity, and practice inclusion. At the core of this vision is our individual capacity for empathy for others who are different from us. Bigotry has no place in this vision. As we know all too well, bigotry thrives in the absence of understanding and in the face of indifference. Each of the underlying pillars of inclusive excellence—equity, diversity and inclusion—invites us to place ourselves in the shoes of others and to listen and learn. This emphatic engagement is neither always comfortable nor yields an easy answer. But, it reminds us that we individually contribute to the fabric of the UCI community.

There are many opportunities and resources to strengthen our campus community. Below are several ways that each of us can advance inclusive excellence at UCI.
Expect Equity, Support Diversity, and Practice Inclusion!
Douglas M. Haynes
Vice Provost for Academic Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

UCI Inclusive Excellence Resources




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