Confront Extremism
Below you'll find our post category archive. Note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.
Zoombombing Incident Update ♥ ★ ✚
Dear Campus Community, UCI again experienced an incident of Zoombombing yesterday during a public lecture event. Zoombombing describes an individual or a group of individuals misusing Zoom features to interrupt a meeting or class, often with criminal, vulgar, or inappropriate images or chat messages. These incidents are unacceptable at UCI. If you experience Zoombombing, please report it to Yesterday’s event was suspended immediately, and the recording was turned over to law enforcement for criminal investigation. As COVID-19 pushes classes to remote learning environments, incidents of Zoombombing have occurred across the country. Usually, the perpetrators are seeking to spread hate…
Zoombombing Update
As universities return from Spring Break to remote learning environments, incidents of “Zoom-bombing” have been reported throughout the country. It’s important to note that UCI has procedures in place to secure remote meetings and does not tolerate the disruption of presenters, speakers, instruction and other university activities. Please see UCI’s guidance for the disruption of university activities for more detailed information.
UCI Provost Initiative on Contemporary Issues: Understanding Domestic Terrorism
CALL FOR PROPOSALS – UCI Provost Initiative on Contemporary Issues: Understanding Domestic Terrorism Dear Campus Community, As part of our efforts to advance and expand the Confronting Extremism program, the Provost Initiative on Contemporary Issues: Understanding Domestic Terrorism requests UCI senate faculty proposals that explore the origins and sources, causes and consequences, methods and modalities, representations and discourses, and responses to and engagement with domestic terrorism . As background, our national attention is now drawn to the looming challenge of domestic terrorism. With a distressing increase in ideologically motivated mass shootings or killings, we have reached a tipping point that…
Confronting Extremism as a Fundamental Responsibility for Citizenship
Dear Campus Community, Two years ago and a month after the public display of racism and violent extremism in Charlottesville, Virginia, UCI launched the Confronting Extremism initiative. The purpose of the initiative was to channel our research, teaching and service mission to better understand extremism and to use these insights to inform how to respond as individuals and as a community. Unfortunately, this imperative has only grown more pressing with time. As Reverend Jessie Jackson Jr., declared during his campus visit in September 2017, Charlottesville was not an exception, but a “defining moment for America.” Mass shootings – many being…
Charlottesville: A Defining Moment in America, A Conversation with Reverend Jesse Jackson, Sr.
<< Back to Confronting Extremism On September 8, 2017, UCI hosted the Rev. Jesse L. Jackson, Sr. as part of the Chancellor’s Distinguished Speaker’s Series, the new UCI Confronting Extremism Initiative, and the School of Law’s colloquium series “Hate in a Period of Political Turmoil.” “Charlottesville: A Defining Moment in America” features a conversation with Rev. Jackson, led by UCI Chancellor’s Professor of Law, Michele Goodwin. In the wake of the Charlottesville “Unite the Right” rally, Rev. Jackson addresses the rise of hate in the U.S., including hate crimes and the mainstreaming of hate groups. Additional guests include Dr. Rabbi…

The State of Hate
ABOUT THE SPEAKER Oren Segal is Director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism, which combats extremism, terrorism and all forms of hate in the real world and online. Recognized as the foremost authority on extremism, the Center provides resources, expertise and training which enables law enforcement, public officials and internet and technology companies to identify and counter emerging threats. Introduction “The State of Hate in America” features a conversation with Oren Segal, Director of the Anti-Defamation League’s Center on Extremism. This conversation was presented as part of UCI Confronting Extremism, a campus-wide initiative led by the Office of Inclusive…
Bridging the Gap Between Medical and Nursing Education and the LGBTQ+ Community: Efforts to Improve Healthcare Delivery through Dialogue, Education and Understanding
As part of the UCI Confronting Extremism Initiative, faculty projects were funded through the Provost Initiative on Understanding and Engaging with Extremism. Professor Ellena Peterson and Associate Vice Chancellor Terrance Mayes joined together to study efforts to improve healthcare delivery through dialogue, education, and understanding. Hear from the project leads on why this project is important to them: Bridging the Gap between Medical and Nursing Education and the LGBT+ Community: Efforts to Improve Healthcare Delivery through Dialogue, Education and Understanding Project Lead: Ellena Peterson and Terrance Mayes School of Medicine Summary: The relationship between the medical and LGBT+ (Lesbian,…