Self, Society, Family: College Women of Color Consider Reporting Violence Featuring Dr. Candace W. Burton ♥ ✚
Wednesday, Dec 9, 2020 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

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Self, Society, Family:
College Women of Color Consider Reporting Violence
Featuring Dr. Candace W. Burton
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to explore how women of color affiliated with a large public university in the United States evaluated involving authorities in cases of intimate partner violence (IPV) and/or sexual assault (SA) and to discover if structural stressors such as racism or sexism influenced their thinking. Surveys on perceived ethnic discrimination, depression, trauma history, stress, social support, resilience, and sleep disturbance were completed by 87 self-identified women of color. All women also participated in one of several focus groups on IPV and SA. Roughly half of participants had experienced SA and about a third experienced IPV. Participants identifying as Latinx/Hispanic or Black/African American reported the greatest experiences of structural stressors and also felt there was not always a potential safety gain with reporting IPV and/or SA. The results of this study suggest universities must create more culturally competent environs of safety for women of color.
Citation: Burton, C. W., & Guidry, J. D. (2020). Reporting Intimate Partner Violence and Sexual Assault: A Mixed Methods Study of Concerns and Considerations Among College Women of Color. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1177/1043659620941583
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. PST
Webinar Event
This event is approved for 1.0 hours of Minimum Continuing Legal Education Credit by the State Bar of California. UCI Law is a State Bar-approved MCLE provider.
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About the Speaker
Dr. Candace W. Burton is an Assistant Professor in the Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing at the University of California, Irvine and the Director of the Orange County Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Expansion Program. She is a former domestic violence advocate and her research focuses on the biobehavioral and biological health effects of intimate partner violence and sexual assault. Dr. Burton is a trained qualitative and mixed methodologist, and has published on intimate partner violence, young adult women’s health, cultural stressors, social media in nursing, and women’s reproductive health in the context of coercive and controlling relationships. Dr. Burton is certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center in Advanced Forensic Nursing. Her research has been funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence, and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, among others.
About the UCI Initiative to End Family Violence
The Initiative to End Family Violence unites faculty from 21 departments at UCI with community partners in research, education, and clinical interventions in abuse across the lifespan. We envision a world in which all people are safe.