CANCELLED – Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence 2020 ♥★
The Office of Inclusive Excellence invites you to attend our April 14 Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence recognition ceremony, which includes honoring recipients of the 2020 Tom Angell Mentoring Fellowships. …
Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence ♥ ★
Please join us for the Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence event on March 9, 2021 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.. The Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence program will celebrate mentors at UCI, including graduate student, postdoctoral scholar and faculty recipients of the Tom Angell Fellowship which memorializes the wellness and retention efforts of UCI Graduate…
NIH Diversity Supplements ♥
ZoomNIH Diversity Supplements Please join the University of California Global Health Institute in promoting National Institutes of Health (NIH) Diversity Supplements for students, postdocs, and faculty. NIH Diversity Supplements are an underutilized resource that allows administrative supplements to a wide variety of funding mechanisms to enhance diversity in the scientific work force. The mechanism also…
NIH Diversity Supplements ♥
ZoomNIH Diversity Supplements Please join the University of California Global Health Institute in promoting National Institutes of Health (NIH) Diversity Supplements for students, postdocs, and faculty. NIH Diversity Supplements are an underutilized resource that allows administrative supplements to a wide variety of funding mechanisms to enhance diversity in the scientific work force. The mechanism…
Inclusive Excellence Term Chair Installation ★
ZoomInclusive Excellence Term Chair Installation The Inclusive Excellence Term Chairs is part of the UCI Black Thriving Initiative with aims to leverage the research and creative capacity of the campus in order to deepen understanding about and responses to a designated national imperative. Each selected awardee will receive $30,000 annually for three years to support…