uc berkeley
Berkeley Conversations: Covid-19: Making sense of data, social distancing and what lies ahead (live webcast) ✚
This Q&A with Professor Art Reingold and Associate Provost Jennifer Chayes focuses on helping the public make sense of data and information about the virus’s spread, the impact and efficacy of social distancing, and the implications for our short- and long-term future. Art Reingold, M.D., is the Division Head of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at Berkeley…
Berkeley Conversations: Covid-19: Creating Informed Responses: Berkeley’s Computing and Data Science In Action (live webcast) ✚
Nobel Laureate Saul Perlmutter, Director of the Berkeley Institute for Data Science, and Michael Lu, Dean of the Berkeley School of Public Health, will host and moderate a roundtable discussion with Berkeley researchers who are mobilizing computing and data science for COVID-19 response and recovery, from helping local public health officials track the pandemic to predicting and…
Berkeley Conversations: Covid-19: Coronavirus: Science and Solutions (live webcast) ✚
Berkeley’s School of Public Health will host a follow-up to its initial town hall, Coronavirus: Facts & Fears that focused on illuminating the facts and dispelling fears around this public health crisis. Part 2 of this series, Coronavirus: Science and Solutions, will focus on addressing unanswered questions from the last town hall, and highlighting emerging science that…