Latest Past Events
Student Loan Debt and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program–A Hands-On Webinar ♥
Student Loan Debt and Changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLFP): A Webinar for the University of California Community Oct 26, 2021 | 12-2:00 pm Have student loan debt? Employed in the public sector? Join us for a hands-on webinar to learn about the recent overhaul to PSLFP requirements. Hear from UC student loan…
Student Loan Debt and the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program–A Hands-On Webinar ♥
Student Loan Debt and Changes to the Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (PSLFP): A Webinar for the University of California Community Oct 26, 2021 | 12-2:00 pm Have student loan debt? Employed in the public sector? Join us for a hands-on webinar to learn about the recent overhaul to PSLFP requirements. Hear from UC student loan…
UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Educational Webinar Series ✚
ZoomJoin the 2020 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Educational Webinar Series Whether you are already part of the movement or are simply interested in learning more, join the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge for a free eight-week series of webinars featuring renowned UCI faculty. Topics include nutrition, cancer, skin health, digestive health, brain and nerve health, women’s health, men’s…