Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19

May 2021 Forum Schedule
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Program Schedule:
Downloadable Advancing Equity schedule Advancing Equity SCHEDULE
Please download the full program here. Sessions highlight projects exploring ways to improve research, teaching, care and support for UCI members during the current pandemic. Faculty and staff presenters provide brief but engaging TED-style talks to answer the question:
What Have We Learned from COVID-19 to Improve Equity at UCI?
The Office of Inclusive Excellence congratulates the grant recipients for "Are We in This Together? Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19"
Multiple Investigator/Research Team Projects
School of Biological Sciences, Pavan Kadandale (Lead) - LIFTED: Lighting the Way Forward Through Education – Team members: Valerie Jenness, Keramet Reiter, Carroll Seron, & Brandy Gatlin-Nash
School of Education, Jun Anh (Lead) - Reimagining Educational Equity and Opportunity (REEO) during the COVID 19 Pandemic – Team members: Rossella Santagata, Adriana Villavicencio, Brandy Gatlin-Nash, & Elizabeth van Es
Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences, Rebecca Black (Lead) - Distance Based Support for HBCU and HSI Students – Team members: Gillian Hayes, Gloria Washington (Howard University), Sharnnia Artis, & Lucretia Williams
Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing, Alison Holman (Lead) - COVID-19 Is Not an Equalizer: Examining Pandemic-related Health Disparities in a Nationally Representative Sample – Team member: DeWayne Williams
Program in Public Health, Alana LeBrón (Lead) - Orange County Community-Oriented Health Equity Contact Tracing (OC-CHECT) – Team members: Sora Park Tanjasiri, Salvador Zarate, Abigail Reyes, John Billimek, Cynthia Haq, Daniel Parker, Jun Wu, & Bernadette Boden-Albala
Program in Public Health, Sora Park Tanjasiri (Lead) - Through Our Eyes, Hear Our Stories: Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities in a Time of Pandemic – Team members: Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, Thuy Vo Dang and Cevadne Lee
School of Social Ecology Newkirk Center for Science & Society, Simon Cole (Lead) - Documenting for Inclusion, Healing, and Policymaking: The Experience of Essential Workers in Orange County during the COVID-19 Crisis – Team members: Constance McGuire, & Victoria Bredow
School of Social Sciences, Laura Enriquez (Lead) - COVID-19 at the UCs: Mapping Inequalities and Advancing Inclusion for UC Students with Immigrant Parents – Team members: Annie Ro, Martha Morales, Elisabet Barrios, Evelyn Sanchez, & Mariel Calva
Single Investigator Projects
School of Education, Constance Iloh (Lead) - Exploring the Covid-19 College Realities of Low-Income Black and Latinx Students Using the Iloh Model of College-Going Decisions and Trajectories
School of Humanities, Adria Imada (Lead) - Surviving Pandemics: Past and Present
School of Social Ecology, Virginia Parks (Lead) - COVID Economic Vulnerability: Workers and Communities Most at Risk of Not Receiving Unemployment Insurance Benefits
School of Social Sciences, Graeme Boushey (Lead) - Covid-19 Problem Definition and Agenda-Setting in the American States
School of Social Sciences, William Maurer (Lead) - Facing Digital Extremism in a Pandemic: New Modules and a Digital Toolkit to Confront Disinformation
Center for Medical Humanities, James Kyung-Jin Lee (Lead) - Open In Emergency: Differential Unwellness Within UCI Student Communities – Team Members: Amanda Swain & Karen Andrews
LEAD ABC (Leadership Education to Advance Diversity-African, Black and Caribbean, Candace Taylor Lucas (Lead) - Uniting the Village: Promoting Cultural Humility in the Care of African, Black and Caribbean Communities – Team Members: Terrance Mayes, Carol Major, Kaosoluchi Enendu, Alana Lebrón, Tiffany Willoughby-Herard, Oladele Ogunseitan, Jerusalem Tilahun, Dart Newby, Ifunanyachukwu, Leah Chase, Katelyn Wittel, Hamzah Ahmed, Kelley Butler, Isaure Hostetter, Nakia Best, John Bilimek, Ursula Worsham, Alison Holman, & Ama Wray
Office of Campus Organizations & Volunteer Programs, Darlene Esparza (Lead) - ZotCorps: Supporting Orange County Communities During COVID-19– Team Members: Angie Keam & Marguerite Bonous-Hammarth
SOAR (Student Outreach and Retention) Center, Paulina Raygoza (Lead) - Gateway Scholars Early Start – Team Members: Jose Leon, Daniel Cano, Joanna Hernandez, & Adeeva Myers
UCI CARE (Campus Assault Resources and Education), Mandy Mount (Lead) - UCI CARE Advocacy and Prevention Services during COVID-19 – Team Members: Melissa Bader-Huesgen, Kaeleigh Hayakawa, Nhi Nguyen, Nicole Leon, Elleni Conley, Rasta Bagheri, & Sallie Pappas
UCI DREAM Center, Angela Chen (Lead) - DREAM Project Fellowship: Growing Our Roots
Vice Chancellor Announcement
Dear Campus Community,
The current pandemic has profoundly interrupted patterns of work and life while causing widespread sickness and death at local, national and global levels. Even as the ongoing responses reflect the courage and ingenuity of people, communities and organizations, the impact of the novel coronavirus has created and transformed as well as exposed and exacerbated fault-lines of inequities in society. These issues include (but are not limited to) the experience of bodily integrity, personal safety and well-being; availability of clean water, air and open spaces; access to health care and positive outcomes; educational opportunities and achievement; affordable housing and public transportation; immigration and pathways to citizenship; economic stability/financial insecurity; and civil and human rights.
Competitive proposals will explore the meaning (s) of the pandemic from a broad cross section of fields, disciplines, methodologies or theoretical perspectives. Using COVID-19 as a lens through which to explore fault lines of inequities, proposers are therefore encouraged to interrogate the uneven effects and realities of the pandemic on people, communities, societies, nation-states, state systems or global or planetary conditions.
Submitters must address at least one of three specific goals to advance research, promote teaching, and/or strengthen service through engagement. Contact leads for all funded projects must complete project use reports and expend all funds by June 30, 2021.
These calls are hosted by the Office of Inclusive Excellence Confronting Extremism program, which aims to fortify resilience of the campus community while advancing commitments among UCI members to inclusive excellence.
Submitters should review the calls in their entirety at the tabs on this webpage. Complete proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. (Pacific time) on:
- Friday, May 15, 2020, for Faculty Researchers/Research Center Teams,
- Friday, May 22, 2020, for Staff Resource Directors
Thank you!
Douglas M. Haynes (Pronouns: he/him/his)
Chief Diversity Officer
Vice Chancellor for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Inclusive Excellence |
Director, ADVANCE Program |
Professor of History |
Related content:
Conornavirus and inclusivity: A call for proposals
a podcast with Vice Chancellor Douglas Haynes
Call for Faculty PIs and Research Centers
Office of Inclusive Excellence Confronting Extremism Program
Call for Senate Faculty Proposals:
Are We in This Together? Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19
The Advancing Equity call solicits proposals to promote understanding about equity in the age of the COVID-19.
The current pandemic has profoundly interrupted patterns of work and life while causing widespread sickness and death at local, national and global levels. Even as the ongoing responses reflect the courage and ingenuity of people, communities and organizations, the impact of the novel coronavirus has created and transformed as well as exposed and exacerbated fault-lines of inequities in society. These issues include (but are not limited to) the experience of bodily integrity – e.g., the lack of self-determination of treatments to one’s body– personal safety and well-being; availability of clean water, air and open spaces; access to health care and positive outcomes; educational opportunities and achievement; affordable housing and public transportation; immigration and pathways to citizenship; economic stability/financial insecurity; and civil and human rights.
Competitive proposals will explore the meaning (s) of the pandemic from a broad cross section of fields, disciplines, methodologies or theoretical perspectives. Using COVID-19 as a lens through which to explore fault lines of inequities, proposers are therefore encouraged to interrogate the uneven effects and realities of the pandemic on people, communities, societies, nation-states, state systems or global or planetary conditions. All senate faculty from schools and academic programs are eligible to apply.
Funding will be provided for single investigators for up to $10,000 per project and for multi-investigators projects—including research centers-- up to $25,000 per project that reflect at least one of the following areas:
- advance the research mission through scholarly and/or creative activities, conference, workshops, performances, or installations examining issues related to COVID-19 and relations to equity, diversity, and inclusion.
- promote the teaching mission through course development, pedagogical innovation, or master classes in ways that support virtual course development, assessment, and promote fair access to curriculum, tools, and means for student engagement
- strengthen the service mission with engagement in informational programs and events for the campus and/or community served by UCI to advance inclusive excellence in the face of decision-making, policies, and practices related to COVID-19 issues.
Type of Projects Funded/Fund Use
Projects may range from forums, master classes, and creative/performance projects to exploratory and confirmatory research.
Funding must be used solely for project activities according to UCI policies governing state funds. Fund use may include summer ninths salary, but funds may not be used for one-time salary stipends or direct payments to UCI undergraduates or UCI graduate students or other students. All propose project must align with the UC Regents Principles against Intolerance.
Review Process
Submissions will be prioritized by a Review Committee, accompanied by recommendations for funding. Total funding is subject to change and based on the funds available at the time of all funding decisions. The Office of Inclusive Excellence expects to fund a total of 10 single-investigator projects and up to five multi-investigator/research center team projects.
Proposal Components
Only complete proposals will be considered; incomplete proposals will be returned without review.
Complete proposals must include: completed form submitted online and one PDF proposal of a maximum of two typed pages with the following components:
- Abstract/Project Summary of no more than 150 words
- Statement of Need/Project Purpose
- Project Activities, Methods, and Expected Outcomes, inclusive of a project timeline
- Evaluation/Assessment Plan
- Significance of the Project
- Plans for Dissemination
- Budget and Budget Narrative detailing expenses
Complete proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, May 15, 2020
Implementation Requirements
Lead Contacts for all projects funded from this call accept responsibilities to:
- Provide image(s) and abstracts for online project promotion
- Complete mid-year and annual project updates on expenses and advancement of project goals
- Request advance approval from the Office of Inclusive Excellence in writing for any changes in fund uses or funded project activities
- Participate in a video-recorded interview and public forum to communicate findings and project outcomes
- Complete a Project Use Report and expend all funds by June 30, 2021.
Call for Resource Center Proposals
Office of Inclusive Excellence Confronting Extremism Program
Call for Resource Center Proposals:
Are We in This Together? Advancing Equity in the Age of COVID-19
The Advancing Equity call solicits proposals to promote understanding about equity in the age of the COVID-19 in order to support and advance success for students at UCI.
The current pandemic has profoundly interrupted patterns of learning and life while causing widespread sickness and death at local, national and global levels. Now, more than ever, institutions of higher education and our campus specifically must take into consideration the connections across the lives of students as learners, as family members, and as community agents while responding to outcomes arising from the novel coronavirus. UCI resource centers – those staff-run units providing academic, social, psychological, identity and other supports – are major levers for care, safety, and resilience for the students they support.
As part of its expanding programming to Confront Extremism, the Office of Inclusive Excellence requests proposals to pilot, extend, and/or refine center programming to enhance student care and success by addressing, reducing and mitigating the fault-lines of inequities arising from the current pandemic.
Competitive proposals may explore the meaning (s) of the pandemic from a broad cross section of fields, disciplines, methodologies or theoretical perspectives, but requires focused attention on innovative programs, services, and events with the evidence-based potential to transform student experiences and learning opportunities. Using COVID-19 as a lens through which to explore fault lines of inequities, proposers are therefore encouraged to interrogate the uneven effects and realities of the pandemic on students and their programs, departments, and living communities at UCI. Important topics for exploration, pilot programming, scaling up, and other engagement opportunities would include, but are not limited to, issues of identity formation among traditional and vulnerable student groups, producing resiliency in the face of stigma and bias, creating a sense of belonging and community amid social distancing, addressing financial or food security, addressing advising and academic gaps in mandated learning environments, enhancing mental/physical/financial/other health and wellbeing, creating pathways to admission, orientation, and careers through campus resources. Project contact leads must be the directors of identified campus resource centers.
Competitive proposals will have either single or multiple project leads and will be funded up to $10,000 per project. Proposals must address at least one of the following areas:
- Pilot programming, creative activities, conferences, workshops, or other explorations to launch evidence-based undergraduate or graduate student interventions, training, or other malleable supports to address aspects of equity, diversity, and inclusion for students learning during an age of COVID-19. These projects will provide evidence-based rationale for the use of promising practices, detail the use of SMART (strategic, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goals and metrics to track success.
- Project extensions that scale up and enhance demonstrated or promising practices for student care, learning, sense of belonging and/or engagement with inclusive excellence. Project assessment will detail expected learning outcomes and provide SMART (strategic, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely) goals and detailed activities to show measurable impacts and gains for students
- Assessments of processes, decision-making, strategies, or approaches used by individual resource units or clusters of units to strengthen the service mission for engaging students at UCI, building community, and countering stereotypes. These projects will highlight how processes supported student engagement for the campus and/or community served by UCI to advance inclusive excellence in the face of specific strategies, policies, and practices related to COVID-19 issues.
Type of Projects Funded/Fund Use
Projects may range from forums and workshops, case study of strategic decision making, or direct interventions, service expansions, or innovative programming to support undergraduates or graduate students at UCI while learning in an age of COVID-19.
Funding must be used solely for project activities according to UCI policies governing state funds. Fund use may include summer ninths salary, if applicable, equipment, presentation fees, learning tools, and resources, but funds may not be used for one-time salary stipends or direct payments to UCI undergraduates or UCI graduate students or other students. All projects must align with the UC Regents Principles against Intolerance.
Review Process
Submissions will be prioritized by a Review Committee, accompanied by recommendations for funding. Total funding is subject to change and based on the funds available at the time of all funding decisions. The Office of Inclusive Excellence expects to fund a total of 10 single-lead or multiple-lead resource projects.
Proposal Components
Only complete proposals will be considered; incomplete proposals will be returned without review.
Complete proposals must include: completed form submitted online and one PDF proposal of a maximum of two typed pages with the following components:
- Abstract/Project Summary of no more than 150 words
- Statement of Need/Project Purpose
- Project Activities, Approaches, and Expected Outcomes, inclusive of a project timeline
- Evaluation/Assessment Plan
- Significance of the Project
- Plans for Dissemination
- Budget and Budget Narrative detailing expenses
Complete proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, May 22, 2020
Implementation Requirements
Lead Contacts for all projects funded from this call accept responsibilities to:
- Provide image(s) and abstracts for online project promotion
- Complete mid-year and annual project updates on expenses and advancement of project goals
- Request advance approval from the Office of Inclusive Excellence in writing for any changes in fund uses or funded project activities
- Participate in a video-recorded interview and public forum to communicate findings and project outcomes
- Complete a Project Use Report and expend all funds by June 30, 2021.