
A “Great Debates” Workshop by Professor Susan C. Jarratt

Where is the Passion?: The Role of Tone and Emotion in Argumentation A “Great Debates” Workshop by Professor Susan C. Jarratt Wednesday, April 26, 2017 4:00 to 5:30 pm Center for Excellence in Writing and Communication Science Library 193 Logic often reigns supreme in argumentation, but does logic work alone? And does logic alone work?…

Confronting Anger and Hate

Confronting Anger and Hate From the Local to the Global - A Community/University Dialogue

Courageous Conversations Workshop

Our final fall interactive workshop, Courageous Conversations, featuring guest speaker Percival Guevarra, will highlight three main ideas: becoming aware of perceptions, listening (without judging), and communicating effectively. Wednesday, November 15, 2017 5:00-6:00 pm Education Building 2009 (Refreshments & food provided) Sponsored by UCI School of Education, Teachers of Tomorrow, and Student California Teachers Association. Open…

The Great Debates: California Proposition 209

  The Great Debates The Great Debates Series is designed to develop proactive, informed and conscientious citizens and future leaders by providing a forum for respectful and substantive discussion of contentious issues relevant in today’s world. The series will exemplify civil discourse within our campus community through organized debates, hosted by an academic school, Speech and Debate Club…

Anteater Cafe – Campus Conversations, Student Voices

All students are invited to the Anteater Café, presented by New Narratives, at 5 p.m. in Pacific Ballrooms ABC of the UCI Student Center. The conversations start promptly at 5:30 p.m. This event provides a forum where students have the opportunity to get to know each other and delve into conversations that can make a…


When Free Speech on Campus Becomes ‘Unacceptable’

Join the UCI School of Social Sciences for events on Nov. 14 & 15: November 14: When Free Speech on Campus Becomes 'Unacceptable' November 15: Screening and Discussion: Joshua: Teenager Versus Superpower About Carlin Romano: Carlin Romano, is a professor of philosophy and humanities at Ursinus College, critic-at-large of The Chronicle of Higher Education, and…


The State of Hate: A Conversation with Anti-Defamation League’s Oren Segal   May 6, 2019 Confronting Extremism Initiative presents Oren Segal 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Pacific Ballrooms ABC, UCI Student Center Oren Segal is Director of the Anti-Defamation League’s…