This is What a Scientist/Engineer Looks Like – STEM Lunch ★
Calit2 AuditoriumSTEM Lunch RSVP - Feb. 5 JOIN US FOR A GREAT STEM LUNCH TALK FOCUSED ON MENTORING! How can students optimize mentoring and skills training during internships, research opportunities, and other options in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields? How can those tasked with engaging STEM students through advising, lab experiences, internships and other…
Contemplative Reflections Upon Race Workshops: Time to Move Part I ♥ ✚
Mesa Office Building 122 Irvine, CA, United StatesPart I: Transforming the Inner Turmoil Around Race and Racism with Valerie Sheppard Valerie understands that "All transformation begins with acknowledgement of what is real and present, and moves through additional stages of acceptance , forgiveness, and commitment." In this experiential, interactive session, attendees will be guided through a process that enables them to move…
Dancing the Diaspora: Exploring the African Diaspora is a Movement with Sakina Ibrahim ♥ ✚
As the second part of the "Contemplative Reflections Upon Race: Time to Move" presented by Africana Institute for Creation Recognition and Elevation and Illuminations, All are welcomed to Mesa office…
Contemplative Reflections Upon Race Workshops: Time to Move Part I ♥ ✚
Mesa Office Building 122 Irvine, CA, United StatesPart I: Transforming the Inner Turmoil Around Race and Racism with Valerie Sheppard Valerie understands that "All transformation begins with acknowledgement of what is real and present, and moves through additional stages of acceptance , forgiveness, and commitment." In this experiential, interactive session, attendees will be guided through a process that enables them to move…
Love Boutique ♥ ★
Love Boutique Thursday, February 27, 12-5pm Dome of Stars, Middle Earth Towers Interest form: Are you looking to build your professional wardrobe? Visit the Love Boutique on Thursday, February 27 to find a professional outfit! If you are interested in attending, please fill out the interest form above. The goal of the Love Boutique…
CANCELLED – Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence 2020 ♥★
The Office of Inclusive Excellence invites you to attend our April 14 Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence recognition ceremony, which includes honoring recipients of the 2020 Tom Angell Mentoring Fellowships. We’ll also be announcing the recipient of the second annual DECADE Mentor Achievement Award. Please join us if you have not yet responded by submitting…
Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in 2020: Accessing Social Services ♥ ★
Facebook LiveWEDNESDAY, MAY 13th 6:00PM-7:00PM AAPIS IN 2020: ACCESSING SOCIAL SERVICES, CREATING CHANGE, & MAKING IMPACT via Facebook Live on Learn how COVID-19 is disrupting the daily lives of AAPIs in SoCal, from access to social services for unemployment, housing, and health, to fears about public charge. How to watch our Facebook Live: - Make…
BLM Discussion w/ Social Ecology Dean Guerra
Dear DECADE Community, Students are invited to a discussion form with Social Ecology Dean Nancy Guerra this Friday, June 4th at 12pm. All students regardless of major or discpline…
Self Care and Community ♥ ✚
ZoomJoin UCI Counselors in this unique session dedicated to help members process their care and get access to important resources.
UCI Town Hall with Chancellor Gillman ♥ ✚
ZoomA friendly reminder to please join Chancellor Howard Gillman and Interim Provost Hal Stern for a faculty and staff Town Hall Wednesday, Oct. 14 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom. Your flexibility and excellent work during this unpredictable period are truly appreciated. With the fall quarter now underway, UCI leadership will provide important updates…
Affordable Textbooks For You and Your Students ♥
Affordable Textbooks For You and Your Students Is it possible to have a textbook that is customizable to your needs, accessible on the first day of class, and affordable for students? The answer is YES! Join the UCI Libraries to learn more about Open Educational Resources (OER) and other Affordable Course Materials that can reduce…
Students Activating Social Innovation Conference 2022: Love Letters to Liberation ♥ ★
Anteater Learning PavilionThe SASI student group, sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning, is very excited to be hosting its first annual student-led social justice conference on April 2nd, 2022 to highlight the work of students and professors on campus. The conference is called "SASICon22: Love Letters to Liberation"; as the title…