Latest Past Events
FEFS | Disinformation in American Elections Part I: Election Officials ♥ ✚
FEFS | Disinformation in American Elections Part I: Election Officials  Wednesday, October 6 at 12:15pm to 1:15pm  Virtual Event Countering the Risk of Disinformation in American Elections: How Big a Problem Is It and What Should Be Done? This three-part online lunch series hosted by the Fair Elections and Free Speech Center at UCI Law explores the…
FEFS | Election Subversion: Is American Democracy in Danger? ♥ ✚
FEFS | Election Subversion: Is American Democracy in Danger?  Friday, September 24 at 9:00am to 12:00pm  Virtual Event This half-day virtual conference considers a new danger to American democracy that emerged during the 2020 election season: the risk to the fair counting and certification of votes. The Fair Elections and Free Speech Center at UCI Law brings…
FEFS | Global Elections I ✚
FEFS | Global Elections I  Wednesday, September 1 at 12:15pm to 1:15pm  Virtual Event Threats to the fairness of elections, and the open debate that democracies require, have not been limited to the United States. Already in 2021, several elections worldwide have shown the challenges to a fair ballot in the digital age. We will kick off…