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UCI Mind Forum♥ ✚


Confronting the pandemic of racism: A call to action By Christian Salazar, PhD June 8, 2020 Commentary, In the News No Comments Contributed by Christian Salazar, PhD, UCI MIND Project…

“Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority” (2008) Film Screening ♥ ★

Dr. White Room, Cross-Cultural Center

"Patsy Mink: Ahead of the Majority" (2008) Film Screening Tuesday, February 11, 12:00 - 1:30 p.m. Dr. White Room, Cross-Cultural Center Judy Tzu-Chun Wu, professor of Asian American studies at UCI, will introduce the film produced, directed and written by Kimberlee Bassford, and will moderate the discussion. Bring your lunches; dessert and drinks provided. In…