Black Community
Summer 2021 UCI Graduate Alums Talk Webinar Line-up ♥ ★
ZoomSummer 2021 UCI Graduate Alums Talk Webinar Line-up This summer the UCI Graduate Division is proud to launch a series of summer talks highlighting the stories, experiences, and voices of UCI's brown and black graduate alumni. We are honored to host these speakers and share their stories with our #UCIGradAlum community and beyond. We encourage…
Summer 2021 UCI Graduate Alums Talk Webinar Line-up ♥ ★
ZoomSummer 2021 UCI Graduate Alums Talk Webinar Line-up This summer the UCI Graduate Division is proud to launch a series of summer talks highlighting the stories, experiences, and voices of UCI's brown and black graduate alumni. We are honored to host these speakers and share their stories with our #UCIGradAlum community and beyond. We encourage…
Graduate Alum Talk Featuring Renee Reid, MHCID, ’19 ★
ZoomGraduate Alum Talk Featuring Renee Reid, MHCID, '19 Summer 2021 UCI Graduate Alums Talk Webinar Line-Up This summer the UCI Graduate Division is proud to launch a series of summer talks highlighting the stories, experiences, and voices of UCI's brown and black graduate alumni. We are honored to host these speakers and share their stories…
The Black Panther Oakland Community School: Community Archives, Activism, and Storytelling ♥ ★
ZoomThe Black Panther Oakland Community School: Community Archives, Activism, and Storytelling Invites you to its Summer Fellows ShowcaseThursday, August 26 | 12-1 p.m. Over the summer of 2021, ten UCI students have researched the Oakland Community School (OCS), the longest-running community project organized by the Black Panthers. The summer fellows have been documenting the school's…
Department of Political Science & center for the study of Democracy present: President’s Postdoc Panel Featuring Dr. Christine Slaughter: “No Strangers to Hardship”: African Americans, Inequality and the Politics of Resilience” and Dr. Princess Williams: “The Politics of Place: How Southern Identity Shapes American Public Opinion” ♥ ★
ZoomDepartment of Political Science & center for the study of Democracy present: President's Postdoc Panel Featuring Dr. Christine Slaughter: "NO STRANGERS TO HARDSHIP: AFRICAN AMERICAN INEQUALITY, AND THE POLITICS OF RESILIENCE" and Dr. Princess Williams: "The Politics of Place: HOW SOUTHERN IDENTITY SHAPES AMERICAN PUBLIC OPINION" FRIDAY, AUGUST 27, 2021 12:00-"1:30PM ZOOM LINK: Christine…
Best First Friday (BFF): Black & Asian Feminist Solidarities – 3rd Reading Group ♥
ZoomJoin the X Black Womxn Daily, AAPI Womxn in Leadership, and Academic & Professional Women for a Best First Friday (BFF): Black & Asian Feminist Solidarities – 3rd Reading Group event scheduled for Friday, September 3rd (12pm - 1pm pst). We hope that in an effort to build community, attendees prepare for the event by…
Fall Harvest 2021 ♥
Arroyo Vista Lawn (1000 Arroyo Drive, Irvine, CA 92617)Fall Harvest 2021 MUSIC | GAMES | FELLOWSHIP The time has come again for Fall Harvest: Welcome Back Celebration. For those who do not know, Fall Harvest is a…
UC Distinguished Scholars Webinar: Professor Mehrsa Baradaran on racial wealth gaps ♥ ★
ZoomUC Distinguished Scholars Webinar: Professor Mehrsa Baradaran on racial wealth gaps Professor Mehrsa Baradaran will share her work on racial wealth gaps and generators of wealth in Black communities.…
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author Tracy K. Smith, former Poet Laureate of the United States ♥ ★
ZoomPulitzer Prize-Winning Author Tracy K. Smith, former Poet Laureate of the United States Humanities Center Oct 21 2021 | 5:00 PM - 6:30 PM Zoom Register HERE Please join us for a stirring…
UCI School of Medicine – Special Research Webinar – Bridgette E. Blebu, “Opportunities to optimize perinatal support for Black families: leveraging implementation science for equitable outcomes” ♥
ZoomTopic: UCI School of Medicine - Special Research Webinar - Dr. Blebu Time: Apr 29, 2022 12:00 PM in Description: Bridgette E. Blebu, PhD, MPH, Investigator, Lundquist Institute at Harbor-UCLA, “Opportunities to optimize perinatal support for Black families: leveraging implementation science for equitable outcomes”