mental health
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Walking for Mental Health ✚
Walking is a common source of exercise for many people, and it has well-recognized physical health benefits. But, did you know there are mental health benefits to walking, too? Anyone who walks for any reason could also be enjoying these benefits.This session will look at the benefits of meditative walking and walking in nature. Participants…
Parkside Chats: Compassion Fatigue ✚
ZoomParkside Chats: Compassion Fatigue How to stay happy when overloaded with sadness during the pandemic DATE Fri, 06/05/2020 - 2:30pm to 3:30pm LOCATION Zoom Webinar DETAILS Join us for Parkside Chats featuring Dean Nancy Guerra and Richard Matthew, associate dean of the School of Social Ecology, professor of urban planning and public policy and director of the UCI Blum…
Nutrition for a Healthy Immune System Webinar ✚
ZoomJoin the 2020 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Educational Webinar Series Whether you are already part of the movement or are simply interested in learning more, join the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge for a free eight-week series of webinars featuring renowned UCI faculty. Topics include nutrition, cancer, skin health, digestive health, brain and nerve health, women’s health, men’s…
UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Educational Webinar Series ✚
ZoomJoin the 2020 UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge Educational Webinar Series Whether you are already part of the movement or are simply interested in learning more, join the UCI Anti-Cancer Challenge for a free eight-week series of webinars featuring renowned UCI faculty. Topics include nutrition, cancer, skin health, digestive health, brain and nerve health, women’s health, men’s…