
Latest Past Events

Rob Them: Competing Ontological Traditions in Geographical Contestations ♥


Rob Them: Competing Ontological Traditions in Geographical Contestations November 16, 2021 5:00p.m. – 6:20p.m. Zoom (pre-registration required) Stephanie Jones, Department of Sociology, University of California, Irvine About the talk: Contention for geographic spaces is rooted in how communities create meaningful engagement with the environment. The origins and mechanisms communities use to formulate communal practices builds…

Toward Racial Justice: A Conversation to Commemorate George Floyd ♥


Toward Racial Justice Conversation - May 25, 2021 Last year’s murder of George Floyd focused attention on confronting systemic racism and promoting racial justice as a combined national imperative. To commemorate and reflect on these legacies as well as the strategies going forward, the Office of Inclusive Excellence will host a Toward Racial Justice conversation…

Visualizing Abolition ♥ ★


Visualizing Abolition A conversation on strategies, activism, and liberatory futures with Sora Han, Adrienne Maree Brown and Savannah Shange DATE Tue, 05/11/2021 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm LOCATION Zoom DETAILS Visualizing Abolition, the year-long program featuring artists, activists, scholars, and others united by their commitment to the vital struggle for prison abolition, concludes with a conversation on strategies, activism, and…