
Latest Past Events

Issues in the 2020 Election: Social Movements, Political Misinformation, and the Court ♥


The UCI Department of Political Science and Jack W. Peltason Center for the Study of Democracy present Issues in the 2020 Election: Social Movements, Political Misinformation, and the Court featuring Louis DeSipio, Professor, Political Science and Chicano/Latino Studies, UCI Mary McThomas, Associate Professor, Political Science, UCI David Meyer, Professor, Sociology, UCI Cailin O'Connor, Associate Professor,…

Two Months to Election Day – Are We Prepared? ♥


  Tuesday, September 8, 2020 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Zoom Webinar This webinar brings together experts in elections and election law to consider whether the United States is prepared to run a fair, safe, and legitimate election process in the midst of the pandemic. Among the topics for discussion are the role of absentee…

Can a Woman Be Elected President? ♥ ★

Can a woman be elected president? What is the difference between having the legal right to suffrage (for some women) and the actual practice of political power? Join UCI Humanities Center for this quarter's #UCIConversationsThatMatter! This quarter, the center's programming will reflect on the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, Article IX and women in…