UCI HR Wellness
Making Virtual Work ✚
Join Live Webinars To Help Support Transitions To Virtual Work Environments April 8 & 9 Human Resources invites both UCI leaders and teams to join Mind Gym for upcoming live webinars to help address and support current work environments. Mind Gym is the content partner for UCI HR’s upcoming Leadership Development Program for…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Being An Effective Manager During The COVID-19 Pandemic ✚
The way we manage our departments and staff, as well as our personal lives, during this time of the coronavirus pandemic is new to everyone. One could say we are all in this together and to an extent that is true. However, we are also all individuals so we will all face the crisis differently.…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Being An Effective Manager During The COVID-19 Pandemic ✚
The way we manage our departments and staff, as well as our personal lives, during this time of the coronavirus pandemic is new to everyone. One could say we are all in this together and to an extent that is true. However, we are also all individuals so we will all face the crisis differently.…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Coping With Compassion Stress ✚
There is a certain type of person who not only accepts the challenges of working in a high stress emotional environment but also excels despite the demands. Whether they are working with individuals who are experiencing trauma, grief, loss, illness or other stressful concerns the people whose role it is to help others in distress…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Loneliness and Social Isolation in Today’s World ✚
Despite living in a world with instant electronic access to friends, family and all manner of online social networks, the rates of reported loneliness and social isolation have been steadily increasing. Loneliness and social isolation substantially impact not only psychological well-being but physical health as well. Loneliness is now considered a health risk factor on…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Overcoming Your Distorted Negative Thinking ✚
Have you had an argument with your spouse or significant other that impacted your whole day? Maybe you had thoughts like, “I’m such a jerk,” or, “All we do is fight.” Have you ever been stuck in traffic thanks to an accident? Maybe you said to yourself, “I knew I shouldn’t have gone this way,”…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Understanding How Your Emotions Impact Interactions With Older Loved Ones ✚
Many emotions arise when we think about our loved ones’ aging or needing care. Emotions can include anger, fear, sadness, resentment and hope. In communicating with the older adults in our life, we need to be aware of the emotions we’re experiencing and what they represent, to ensure that we have healthy, productive interactions. When…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Walking for Mental Health ✚
Walking is a common source of exercise for many people, and it has well-recognized physical health benefits. But, did you know there are mental health benefits to walking, too? Anyone…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Time Management Principles ✚
Work, family and personal life responsibilities can feel overwhelming, and it sometimes seems as if a 24-hour day simply isn’t long enough to get everything done. Unfortunately, no one has yet found a way to add a 25th hour to the day, so we’re all forced to do the best with the time we have.…
Coronavirus Support Webinar Series: Gratitude: A Skill for Happier Living ♥ ✚
Gratitude is a skill anyone can learn as an alternative to regret and fear. We can focus on the positive elements of our lives with a few simple practices. Providing sincere compliments can help us build relationships and be grateful for others. Rather than being grateful because we “ought to,” we can choose gratitude as…