Report a Concern

On this page

Information about UC's Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy, including instructions for updating your lived/preferred name and/or gender identity across UCI systems, can be found on the Office of Inclusive Excellence's Gender Inclusive Campus website.

If you have any concerns or have encountered problems related to the process of updating your lived name and/or gender identity, please either complete this form or contact the Office of Inclusive Excellence via email ( The Office of Inclusive Excellence will receive your submission and may forward your name, contact information, and concerns to relevant UCI system administrators (Office of Information Technology, Registrar, Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity, etc.) to resolve the issue. We will contact you to follow-up on progress toward a resolution.

To report noncompliance or harassment concerning the usage of a person’s gender identity or lived name, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity at

If you are in immediate danger or require medical attention, contact the UCIPD at 911 or (949) 824-5223.