Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards

The Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Award is a two-year, non-renewable appointment for selected new UCI Senate faculty – from newly hired advanced assistant professors to associate professors and professors or equivalent.

The award:

  • Recognizes the distinguished accomplishment to advance inclusive excellence
  • Provides funding to support continued scholarship, pedagogy, and exemplary service leadership contributing to diversity, equity, and inclusion at UCI
  • Engages the campus and community in conversations and explorations of stellar research and awardee contributions during an annual public forum

Award Themes

The Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards advance the UCI Strategic Plan and campus priorities.  Awardees will contribute in their own unique ways to extend our understanding about promising research, pedagogy, and leadership to support campus growth and innovation in the following areas.

  1. Growth that Makes a Difference: Diversifying the Professoriate
  • Contributes knowledge and resources to inform the national and international conversations, actions, policies, and theories about diversifying the professoriate
  • Develops exemplars and best practices in faculty search and recruitment processes
  • Improves campus climate for faculty development and retention.
  1. First in Class: Advancing a Minority Thriving Campus
  • Transforms the campus designation as a Minority Serving Institution (Hispanic-Serving Institution and Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institution) to practices, programs, and policies that create minority-thriving learning communities
  • Envisions, enables, and enacts changes to systemically increase diverse student access and engagement – particularly for African American, American Indian, Hispanic, first-generation, low-income, veterans, LGBTQ, women in STEM fields, and other student groups historically under-represented in enrollment and graduation
  • Translates theories, pedagogical practices, creative activities, or experimental strategies into activities with measurable impacts for undergraduate, graduate student, postdoctoral scholar, or alumni career success. Impactful activities may include: creating multiple pathways for college access and success, enhancing students’ career readiness, decreasing student financial burdens during college, improving students’ completion of advising and degree milestones, and fostering high-impact learning and research engagement.
  1. Great Partners: Creating a Public Space for Ideas and Issues Relevant to Orange County and Its Community Members
  • Demonstrates community and global partnerships to extend inclusive excellence through hosting national symposia, creative exhibits, training workshops and other forums
  • Fosters opportunities across and within disciplinary boundaries to show consilience and collaborations in applying scholarly inquiry and creative activities in examining the human condition, applying engineering, meeting contemporary challenges in the social, physical, or biological sciences, conveying discovery and socially just supports of diversity, equity, inclusion, and free speech.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Chancellor’s Inclusive Excellence Awards Program (Chancellor’s Awards) was first implemented for the 2020-21 and 2021-22 periods, with two additional awardees selected in 2023 at the University of California, Irvine. This project was funded through an Advancing Faculty Diversity grant from the UC Office of the President, aiming to attract diverse ladder-rank faculty to UCI to build scholarly capacities. The awardees serve for two years.


The following resource links may be helpful to inform nominees about campus priorities related to inclusive excellence and campus opportunities to support faculty career development.

Office of Academic Personnel – Guidelines for Writing Inclusive Excellence Activities Statements (Contributions to Diversity Statements):

Office of Academic Personnel – Family Friendly Programs and Policies:

Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity – Affirmative Action Plans and Programs:

Office of Inclusive Excellence – ADVANCE funding programs for faculty, Signature Programs, and UCI Reports and Resources:

University of California Academic Personnel Manuel:

UCI Strategic Plan:

Fund Use Report