
Self Care and Community ♥ ✚


Join UCI Counselors in this unique session dedicated to help members process their care and get access to important resources.

UCI Mind Forum♥ ✚


Confronting the pandemic of racism: A call to action By Christian Salazar, PhD June 8, 2020 Commentary, In the News No Comments Contributed by Christian Salazar, PhD, UCI MIND Project…

Toward Racial Justice: A Conversation to Commemorate George Floyd ♥


Toward Racial Justice Conversation - May 25, 2021 Last year’s murder of George Floyd focused attention on confronting systemic racism and promoting racial justice as a combined national imperative. To commemorate and reflect on these legacies as well as the strategies going forward, the Office of Inclusive Excellence will host a Toward Racial Justice conversation…

Funding Opportunity: Building Community to Confront Extremism ♥ ★ ✚

  Dear campus community, The Office of Inclusive Excellence invites proposals on "Building Community to Confront Extremism" as part of the Confronting Extremism Program. This funding opportunity is open to Academic Senate faculty and directors of student resource centers at UCI. View additional details and submit proposals no later than 5 p.m. PT on Friday,…

Combatting Online Extremism: Join us for a free 5-session online training ♥


Combatting Online Extremism: Join us for a free 5-session online training Join Orange County Human Relations (OCHR) and the University of California, Irvine (UCI) for a five-part, free online training that will offer tools and resources for how to combat online extremism. Using modules developed as part of UC Irvine’s Confronting Digital Extremism initiative, UCI…

UCI Libraries presents Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series: A Journey Through the Holocaust ♥


UCI Libraries presents Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series  In conjunction with the American Library Association and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s traveling exhibition Americans and the Holocaust, the UCI Libraries’ Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series explores antisemitism, extremism, and the power of human connection. Guests are encouraged to visit the traveling exhibition located in the lobby…

UCI Libraries presents Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series: Deborah Lipstadt Author Talk ♥


Deborah Lipstadt Author Talk Wednesday, February 16, 2022 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. This event will be held on Zoom. Join Deborah Lipstadt for a discussion of her latest book, Antisemitism: Here and Now, a captivating analysis of current political trends that bolster prejudice and hostility towards Jews in today’s world. Deborah Lipstadt is currently…

UCI Libraries presents Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series: Author Discussion with Jeffrey Veidlinger ♥


UCI Libraries presents Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series  In conjunction with the American Library Association and United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s traveling exhibition Americans and the Holocaust, the UCI Libraries’ Americans and the Holocaust Exhibition Event Series explores antisemitism, extremism, and the power of human connection. Guests are encouraged to visit the traveling exhibition located in the lobby…