
Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving


Making Motherhood Work: How Women Manage Careers and Caregiving May 28, 2019 12:30p.m. - 1:30p.m. Social Science Plaza B, Room 1222 (formerly 1208) Caitlyn Collins, Assistant Professor of Sociology and…

UCI Chancellor’s ADVANCE/UC President’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program Workshop

UC President’s and UCI Chancellor’s ADVANCE Postdoctoral Workshop Thursday, October 3, 2019| noon-1:30 p.m. 3100 Graduate Resource Center  Purpose: Overview and Best Practices for Prospective Applicants  Audience: Graduate Students, Postdocs, Faculty Advisors, Graduate Program Directors

Postdoc Panel for Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences

Postdoc Panel for Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences – Wednesday, December 4th from 12:00-2:00pm (Humanities Gateway 1010) Graduate students are invited to join us for a Q&A session with current Postdocs in Humanities and Social Ecology! Postodoc panelists will talk about their experiences in their current positions and give advice on how they found positions…

Parenting in Grad School and Beyond!


We announce a Parenting in Grad School and Beyond! workshop. Although the workshop is mostly geared toward graduate students, everybody who is interested is invited to attend.   The workshop will take place Wednesday, December 4 from 1-2pm in Rowland Hall 306. We will start with an overview of available sources to students, including important contacts and forms expecting…

DECADE Roundtable Lunch with Bellevue College ♥ ★

UCI Graduate Resource Center

DECADE Roundtable Lunch with Bellevue College – Friday, January 24th from 12:00-1:30pm (Location: Graduate Resource Center) ­­ Graduate students and post-doctoral scholars are invited to attend a roundtable lunch discussion with Bellevue College representatives during their visit to UC Irvine on Friday, January 24th. Bellevue College currently has job openings available for in a variety of…

CANCELLED – Latino Excellence and Achievement Dinner – Third Annual ♥ ★

Pacific Ballroom, UCI Student Center 311 W Peltason Dr, Irvine, CA, United States

Purchase tickets:  LEAD Touchnet Marketplace Store Submit award nomination (March 2, 5:00 PM deadline): LEAD 2020 Award Nomination Form   This in-person event has been cancelled due to guidance regarding safety during COVID-19. Please check back soon for the announcement of award recipients.

CANCELLED – Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence 2020 ♥★

The Office of Inclusive Excellence invites you to attend our April 14 Mentoring for Achievement and Excellence recognition ceremony, which includes honoring recipients of the 2020 Tom Angell Mentoring Fellowships.  We’ll also be announcing the recipient of the second annual DECADE Mentor Achievement Award. Please join us if you have not yet responded by submitting…

BLM Discussion w/ Social Ecology Dean Guerra

Dear DECADE Community,   Students are invited to a discussion form with Social Ecology Dean Nancy Guerra this Friday, June 4th at 12pm. All students regardless of major or discpline are welcome to share their thoughts and emotions in regards to the Black Lives Matter movement.  Interested students may submit questions they would like addressed…

Self Care and Community ♥ ✚


Join UCI Counselors in this unique session dedicated to help members process their care and get access to important resources.

Tips for Advancing Faculty Mentoring Practices in the Research Environment (Faculty) ★


Tips for Advancing Faculty Mentoring Practices in the Research Environment (Faculty) Featuring Diana Azurdia Monday, April 19| 1:00-3:00PM PT via Zoom REGISTER NOW PLEASE NOTE: This Webinar is for Faculty and Staff Only UCI Graduate Division is happy to present Tips for Advancing Faculty Mentoring Practices in the Research Environment  featuring Dr. Diana Azurdia, Director of…

Virtual Town Hall With Dean Hayes: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at UCI ★


Dear Graduate Students and Postdocs, As you all probably know by now, Graduate Division has been hosting monthly town halls in an effort to answer your questions and concerns during this unprecedented time. May's focus will be on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion at UCI. As always please be sure to use this form to ask…

Thriving as a Graduate and Postdoctoral Student ★


Dear Graduate Students and Postdocs, As you all probably know by now, Graduate Division has been hosting monthly town halls in an effort to answer your questions and concerns during this unprecedented time. November’s focus will be how to thrive as a graduate student and postdoctoral scholar. Led by a panel of UCI experts, you…

UC President’s Postdoc Fellowship Workshop ★


The Associate Vice Provost for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion will hold an information session on the UC President's Postdoctoral Fellowship (PPF) and Chancellor's ADVANCE Postdoctoral Fellowship (CAPF) programs. This open…