
LGBTQ+ student panel

Are you interested in the intersections between your race and sexuality? If so, come out to the QTPOC Cultural History Student Panel" on May 24th from 6 pm - 8 pm at Pacific Ballroom AB. We're going to have a panel of Afro, Latinx, and API Queer folks speak about how their culture impacted their…

South Asian Student Union presents An Evening with D’Lo: Performance and Q&A

NCFDD 04-11

South Asian Student Union presents An Evening with D'Lo: Performance and Q&A  In Collaboration with the Cross-Cultural Center, UCI Illuminations, Advisory Council on Campus Climate, Culture, and Inclusion & UCI Department of Gender and Sexuality Studies   THURSDAY, MAY 30TH // 5PM - 7PM UC IRVINE CRYSTAL COVE AUDITORIUM  FREE ADMISSION FOR ALL RSVP Link: BIT.LY/EVENINGWITHDLO…



Dept of Gender & Sexuality Studies End of the Year Academic Celebration Department: Gender and Sexuality Studies Date and Time: June 5, 2019 | 3:00 PM-7:00 PM Event Location: Humanities Gateway 1010 / 1030 Event Details The Department of Gender & Sexuality Studies invites you, your friends, and family to attend our departmental graduation reception on June 5th, 2019,…

Weekly Events at the UCI LGBT Resource Center

Confronting Extremism Talks

Confronting Extremism Talks - NOV 19 Recent attacks on houses of worship are tragic reminders about the violent incidents that stem from ideological extremism. You are invited to hear about…

Self Care and Community ♥ ✚


Join UCI Counselors in this unique session dedicated to help members process their care and get access to important resources.

UCI Mind Forum♥ ✚


Confronting the pandemic of racism: A call to action By Christian Salazar, PhD June 8, 2020 Commentary, In the News No Comments Contributed by Christian Salazar, PhD, UCI MIND Project Scientist Racism is once again thrust into our national spotlight by the death of yet another unarmed Black American at the hands of police. Lamentably,…