
Elevating and Engaging with Black Lives on Law School Campuses (Part II) ♥★

Join Michele Goodwin, UCI Chancellor's Professor of Law and Director of the Center for Biotechnology and Global Health Policy, The American Constitution Society and the National Black Law Students Association's administrators and staff as they share their perspectives, stories and experiences. Wednesday, August 12, 2020 5:00 p.m. – 6:30 p.m. Pacific Time REGISTER

“Winners”: Iranian Film Screening and Conversation with Director Omid Abdollahi ♥


What is the definition of the American Dream?  Achieving success and happiness through hard work and perseverance? How do immigrants fulfill their American dreams?  Can you imagine if the opportunity to pursue your dream is based on a lottery system? “Winners” (original title: Barandegan) by Omid Abdollahi is an Iranian documentary about immigration to the…

A Play About Flags: A Live Zoom Reading of a New Play ♥


What is the significance of a national flag? Does its symbolic meaning change during a war? During a time of crisis, is a national flag to be reverenced or despised, protected or destroyed?  In A Play About Flags, two Iranian women work in a flag factory in Tehran amidst escalating tensions between Iran and the US…

Zeinabu Davis and Alile Sharon Larkin “Women of the L.A. Rebellion” ♥ ★


Zeinabu Davis and Alile Sharon Larkin "Women of the L.A. Rebellion" April 22, 2021, 4:00-5:30 p.m. Register here Description: LA Rebellion Filmmakers Zeinabu Davis & Alile Sharon Larkin discuss the second wave, the addition of women’s voices and perspectives. Moderator: Desha Dauchan Film via: UCI Library Link: Spirits of Rebellion