Town Hall on Immigration Issues and White House Chinese Graduate Student Restrictions
UCI Office of Global Engagement is offering a town hall from 12-1 p.m. on Thursday, June 4 as a follow up to address concerns about President Trump's recent proclamation that bars entry to the U.S. for some international graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who have links to certain entities in China and who are in…
Immigration Update on White House Proclamation to Block Foreign Worker Visas ♥
Immigration Update on White House Proclamation to Block Foreign Worker Visas UCI Office of Global Engagement is hosting a series of webinars this summer and in the coming academic year to address a number of timely immigration and international topics. This week's immigration update will cover President Trump's recent executive order that restricts foreign nationals…
Immigration Update Event: Supreme Court Ruling on DACA – Momentary reprieve, What comes next? ♥✚
UCI Office of Global Engagement is hosting a series of webinars this summer and in the coming academic year to address a number of timely immigration and international topics. This week's Immigration Update will cover the U.S. Supreme Court Ruling on DACA, blocking the Trump Administration's plan to dismantle the program. The event is intended…
Black Lives Matter – Global Perspectives ♥✚
ZoomGlobal Engagement Event - Black Lives Matter UCI Office of Global Engagement is hosting a series of webinars this summer and in the coming academic year to address a number of timely international topics. This week's webinar will explore Black Lives Matter and the Identity of African-American Students here and abroad. The event is intended…
Black Lives Matter – Global Engagement Event: Perspectives from Africa, UK and China ♥
ZoomBlack Lives Matter - Global Engagement Event: Perspectives from Africa, UK and China UCI Office of Global Engagement is hosting a series of webinars this summer and in the coming academic year to address a number of timely immigration and international topics. This webinar will explore Black Lives Matter, seen from global perspectives. The event…
Immigration Update Event: Lives Upended – How UCI Supports International Students in Times of Rapid Change ♥
ZoomImmigration Update Event: Lives Upended - How UCI Supports International Students in Times of Rapid Change UCI Office of Global Engagement is hosting a series of webinars this summer and in the coming academic year to address a number of timely immigration and international topics. This update event will cover UCI's support of international students,…
Global Conversations: Wang Chong, Experimental Theatre Director from Beijing ♥ ✚
ZoomWang Chong is a writer, director, translator and the founder and artistic director of Beijing-based performance group Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental, one of the leading experimental groups in China today. A UK-based magazine International Arts Manager notes, “Taking a radical approach to both form and text, Théâtre du Rêve Expérimental has been changing the face of China’s…