
Lean In & Learn: Anti-Black Racism Workshops | Oppressed Trauma of the Resilient Black Community ♥✚


Dear Student Affairs Colleagues, All Student Affairs staff are encouraged to register below and save these dates for an important and informative webinar series, Lean In & Learn: Anti-Black Racism Workshops. Topics to be explored include: systemic power structures, concepts of privilege, racial macro- and micro-aggressions, the narratives of current tragedies and exemplifying a culture…

Faculty/Staff Lunch & Learn: Trauma-Informed Educator Brainstorm Session ♥ ✚


Faculty/Staff Lunch & Learn: Trauma-Informed Educator Brainstorm Session Looking for ways to develop your skills and techniques as a trauma-informed educator? Join CARE and your colleagues for a 30-minute session that will summarize some values and tips to keep in mind when using trauma-informed practice and provide participants time to brainstorm and consult with each…