Title IX Civil Rights Evolution: And Even More of Us Are Brave ♥ ✚
Urban Women and China’s Demographic Crisis ♥
ZoomUrban Women and China’s Demographic Crisis with Sarah Mellors Rodriguez,Assistant Professor of History, Missouri State University and Wang Feng, Professor of Sociology, University of California, Irvine Tuesday, Nov. 16 2:00-3:00 PM REGISTER Register: About the talk: Given recent news that China’s birthrate has hit a historic low, the Chinese Communist Party has redoubled its…
AAPI Womxn in Leadership Book Discussion on “The Refugees” ♥ ★
AAPI Womxn in Leadership Book Discussion on “The Refugees” Please join the AAPI Womxn in Leadership for a virtual Book Discussion on Tuesday, February 1st (12pm – 1pm PST) to…
Confronting American Health Disparities Race, Class, and Maternal Mortality in the United States ♥ ✚
Confronting American Health Disparities Race, Class, and Maternal Mortality in the United States Wednesday, February 9, 2022 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. PST A Virtual Event REGISTER In this yearlong series, Confronting American Health Disparities, we amplify urgent health concerns related to women and LGBTQ communities. In the United States, health disparities track along nearly every…
EmpowerHER Summit ♥
Pacific Ballroom ABCD 311 W Peltason Dr, Irvine, CA, United StatesEmpowerHER Summit The Womxn’s Center for Success is excited to announce that FREE registration for the annual EmpowerHER Summit is now open for all UC Irvine students, faculty, and staff. The EmpowerHER Summit will take place on Friday, March 4th from 10:00 am – 3:00pm at UC Irvine. This engaging summit experience will provide tracks for…
Movie Screening and Panel Discussion: The Feminist on Cellblock Y ★
Pacific Ballroom ABCD 311 W Peltason Dr, Irvine, CA, United StatesMovie Screening and Panel Discussion: The Feminist on Cellblock Y April 7, 2022 | 2-5 pm Pacific Ballroom C, UC Irvine Campus For any questions about this event, contact The Feminist on Cellblock Y is an American documentary directed by Contessa Gayles and co-produced with Emma Lacey-Bordeaux for CNN. The titular subject is Richie…
Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman of Color in Congress Ideas with Impact ♥ ★
ZoomUCI Humanities Center - Virtual Event Ideas with Impact: humanities research meets today's global challenges Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman of Color in Congress Ideas with Impact Thursday · May 12 · 12:00 - 1:30 PM (Pacific Time) Zoom Webinar Registration: Professor Judy Tzu-Chun Wu and co-author Wendy Mink, Fierce and Fearless: Patsy Takemoto Mink, First Woman…
Amplify Conference 2022 ♥★
UCI Student CenterEmpowered Women, Empower Women The Academic & Professional Women of UCI has a decades-long history at UC Irvine with a longstanding tradition of supporting staff, faculty, and students with a…
INF Seminar Series: The Metaverse’s New Diversity Industrial Complex ♥
Donald Bren Hall 6011The UCI Department of Informatics is proud to present Lisa Nakamura, Gwendolyn Calvert Baker Collegiate Professor of American Culture, University of Michigan. This is a CREATE Distinguished Talk. The UCI campus community is invited to join us for the live talk and discussion in DBH 6011. Off-campus community is welcome to join via Zoom Meeting…
Zine-Making Book Launch Celebration ♥
OC & Southeast Asian Archive (Library Gateway Center, Lower Level)Come express your creative side by making a ‘zine! ‘zine = A self-published magazine Crafting materials provided! (You are welcome to bring your own materials) We also invite you to…
CBGHP: Confronting American Health Disparities: Reproductive Landscape Post-Roe ♥
ZoomIn this year-long series, Confronting American Health Disparities, we amplify urgent health concerns related to women and LGBTQ communities. In the United States, health disparities track along nearly every aspect of healthcare delivery, too often resulting in unequal treatment, poor health outcomes, and sadly, even death. From birth to death, race, sex, disability and LGBTQ discrimination…