
Below you'll find our post archive. These results will come in the forms of Pages, Posts, and Events. Also note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.

two women speak to a man

Battling Bias

University of California Facebook image

Frequently Asked Questions for University Employees About Possible Federal Immigration Enforcement Actions on University Property

Michael Dennin UCI HSI Conference

Vice Provost Michael Dennin Named Principal Investigator for NSF Grant

Led by Vice Provost Michael Dennin, UCI will convene faculty and administrators from HSI high schools, colleges and universities in Southern California for a three-day conference on the theme of Pathways for Hispanic Students in STEM. The conference, sponsored by a NSF grant, aims to identify and describe challenges facing Hispanic students who intend to pursue STEM degrees. Attendees will learn the most current research about retention of Hispanic students in STEM disciplines and will generate recommendations for designing an HSI program at NSF. Learn more here.

Business administration major Natalia Gould dances with Ballet Folklorico at the Wayzgoose festival on campus Saturday

UCI EOP 1976 vs. UCI as an HSI 2017

1976: UCI increases number of Latino students through the Educational Opportunity Program 2017: UCI meets U.S. Department of Education eligibility as a Hispanic-Serving Institution

UCI school of law building

HUFFPOST | Complicit Bias: Sexual Harassment and Communities That Sustain It

UCI Aldrich Hall clock

Passing of Joseph White, 84

Howard Gillman

UCI NEWS | Chancellor Gillman named to governing board of Hispanic Association of Colleges & Universities

Provost Lavernia

2017-18 Call for Proposals on Understanding and Engaging with Extremism

Dear colleagues: I am pleased to announce a call for proposals of up to $20,000 for the new Provost Initiative on Understanding and Engaging with Extremism. This call is part of the recently announced UCI Confronting Extremism initiative, managed through the Office of Inclusive Excellence, that engages scholars and community members on pivotal topics shaping our understanding of free speech, social equity and values and promotes critical dialogues in these areas. With this call, UCI will support pioneering faculty to raise awareness, promote reasoned discussion, enrich curricular offerings, advance pedagogical innovations, and fortify relations between the campus and the wider community…

Free Speech protest

UC President announces National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement

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Introducing UCI Confronting Extremism

To: All faculty, staff and students From: Chancellor Howard Gillman and Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor Enrique Lavernia Subject: Introducing UCI Confronting Extremism Distribution date: Oct. 24, 2017 To the Anteater community: The world is changing. In recent years and months, we have seen increasing displays of hate, violence and unrest entrenched in extremism. While it is easy to simply ignore the discord around us, it is vital that we confront extremism head-on with our collective values of tolerance, equity, diversity, inclusion and free speech. In September, civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. visited the campus and reminded…