New Guidelines for Addressing Race and Gender Equity in Academic Programs

February 17, 2016

Dear Colleagues,

I want to bring to your attention a new inclusive excellence resource entitled Guidelines for Addressing Race and Gender Equity in Academic Programs in Compliance with Proposition 209. (It is available at Produced by the University of California Office of the President, these guidelines broadly describe strategies for diversity programming that can be legally implemented to advance the University of California’s enduring commitment to inclusive excellence.  These strategies include:

  1. Programs that are targeted by race or gender but do not provide preferences or benefits not generally available to all.
  2. Programs that are not targeted by race or gender but are targeted by factors that support the University’s academic mission and reflect the University’s commitment to diversity and equal opportunity.
  3. Programs that are about issues related to race or gender, but open to all.
  4. Programs that are targeted by race or gender, but are operated and managed by private, non-University organizations.
  5. Programs that fall under the exception to the requirements of Proposition 209. If there are university diversity programs that apply for or receive federal funds and must use race- or gender-based criteria to become eligible or remain eligible for the federal funding program, those programs are exempt from Proposition 209’s prohibition on granting preferences on the basis of race or gender.

Please review these guidelines to learn more about best practices and exemplary programs throughout the University of California. These guidelines present a valuable opportunity to explore what your unit has done, is currently doing and what more it can do to promote diversity and equity.

Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss these guidelines and/or to explore strategies to promote inclusive excellence at UCI.

Expect Equity, Support Diversity, and Practice Inclusion!

Douglas M. Haynes
Vice Provost for Academic Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Inclusive Excellence
Director, ADVANCE Program
Professor of History