Graduate Students
Below you'll find our post category archive. Note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.
GRADUATE DIVISION | A Message for the DECADE Community on Behalf of Graduate Dean Gillian Hayes ♥★✚
Dear DECADE mentors and DECADE student community, I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a humble request for your help in supporting our many students, post-docs, faculty, and staff who are struggling right now. As if 2020 wasn’t hard enough, this past week has pushed many past our limits. We are faced with unconscionable Anti-Black police violence and anti-Chinese xenophobia and threats to the global educational mission of ours and other universities. We know very little about the practical and logistical impacts of these activities and measures right now. What I do know, for certain, however,…

2018-2019 Newkirk Graduate Student Fellowship Awards – Application Deadline: Tuesday, May 15th, 2018
2018-2019 Newkirk Graduate Student Fellowship Awards – Application Deadline: Tuesday, May 15th, 2018 Through a generous gift of Martha and Jim Newkirk, The UCI Newkirk Center for Science and Society is now soliciting applications from UCI graduate students from all disciplines for graduate student fellowships. The Fellows and their projects will be an integral part of the Center’s new Engagement Initiative, which will be launched in the fall of 2018. Awards are up to $10,000 and can be used for tuition, fees, and/or research support. Preference will be given to proposals that are in line with addressing scientific research issues…