New Report: The State of Undocumented Students at California’s Public Universities ♥ ★✚

New Report: The State of Undocumented Students at California’s Public Universities

A new report from the UC Collaborative to Promote Immigrant and Student Equity (UC PromISE) and the Undocumented Student Equity Project (USEP) published today provides an assessment of the state of undocumented students at California’s public universities.


Persisting Inequalities, UC Irvine Office of Inclusive ExcellencePersisting Inequalities and Paths Forward: A Report on the State of Undocumented Students at California’s Public Universities takes stock of the experiences of undocumented college students attending California’s two public university systems: the California State University and the University of California. It features responses from the largest survey of undocumented students ever conducted; nearly 1,300 undergraduate students during spring 2020. The report powerfully illustrates how undocumented immigration status disrupts college students’ educational experiences and wellbeing. It offers specific steps that educational institutions can take to combat persisting inequalities and forge pathways toward equity and inclusion.


You can download the full report and executive summary (in English and Spanish) from our website:

A recording of our December 10th virtual briefing on the report will be made available on the website soon.