![oie-data-dashboard OIE Data Dashboard](
Welcome to the Office of Inclusive Excellence Dashboard! Institutional data and results from the various evaluations conducted by OIE are available here.
Please click one of the tabs to see the respective data visualization. The first tab ("Files and Reports") contains links to various documents and resources created by OIE.
For general institutional research and data about the UC Irvine campus, please visit the Office of Institutional Research Data Hub.
For general information and data about the UC system (including the UC Irvine campuses), please visit the UC Information Center. Results for the UC Undergraduate Experience Survey (UCUES) are available on their UCUES page, and results for the UC Graduate Student Experience Survey (UCGSES) are available on their UCGSES page.
Note: These visualizations are designed to be viewed from a desktop or laptop computer and may not display properly when viewed from other devices. If a visualization is not displaying properly, try refreshing the page.
UCI Demographic Charts 2021-22
UCI Demographic Charts 2022-23
UCI Demographic Charts 2023-24
UCI Demographic Charts 2024-25
2022 Community Safety Survey Report
Research Brown Bags:
Introduction to OIE and Resource Guide (PDF)
Introduction to OIE and Resource Guide (PPT with notes)
An Overview of Collecting Campus Climate Data (PDF)
An Overview of Collecting Campus Climate Data (PPT with notes)
Implicit Bias and Research Examples (PDF)
Implicit Bias and Research Examples (PPT with notes)
This visualization displays basic demographics for the UCI community of students, faculty, and staff. Gender and URM status can be viewed for various groups by selecting the Year and Area from the drop-down menus to the right. For the list of data definitions used in this visualization, please click the button below.
Gender reflects the individual’s self-reported gender identity as one of three categories: women, men, and those who identify as nonbinary or do not state their gender at all from the given options.
Underrepresented minority (URM) status is displayed as one of three categories: URM, Non-URM, and International. Individuals are considered domestic if they are US citizens, permanent residents, amnesty recipients, approved petitioners for immigrant visas, refugees, or political/religious asylees. All individuals without domestic status are considered International. “URM” refers to domestic individuals who identify as: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latinx, or Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander. “Non-URM” refers to domestic individuals who do not identify as any of the ethnic groups considered URMs.
Undergraduates and graduate students are all students of their respective level who were registered at UCI as of the end of the third full week of classes for the Fall academic term of the given year. Undergraduates include all Baccalaureate students, and Graduate Students include all Masters, Doctoral, and Professional Doctoral students.
Senate faculty are faculty members with membership in the UCI Academic Senate, which primarily includes ladder-rank Assistant, Associate, and Full Professors.
Staff are defined as all full-time, non-student UCI employees who are not teaching faculty (e.g., professors and lecturers). This includes all non-teaching Academic Staff (e.g., librarians and research professionals), as well as all Professional & Support Staff, Managers, and Administrators.
STEMM stands for “Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, and Medicine” which are fields that are often examined together for various reasons. STEMM Schools at UCI include: Biological Sciences, Engineering, ICS, Medicine, Nursing Science, Pharmacy, Physical Sciences, and Public Health. Non-STEMM Schools at UCI include: Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Law, Social Ecology, and Social Sciences.
The Health Sciences category includes aggregate data for Medicine, Nursing Science, Pharmacy, Public Health, which are collectively referred to as the College of Health Sciences.
Below is a visualization of the results from the campuswide Climate Survey conducted by OIE. Each year of survey results is presented within the visualization and may be viewed by selecting the appropriate menu option.
While the results do provide insight into how the campus communities perceive the pillars of the OIE Action Plan (Wellness, Thriving, and Community) during any given year, we aim to continue painting a fuller and more representative picture with future administrations of this survey instrument.
An explanation of the counting rules for demographic groups is provided below the visualization. A detailed guide for using Tableau can be found here: OIE Tableau Dashboard Guide
Climate Survey tab descriptions are as follows:
Summary: Response rates and demographic distributions for the survey sample.
Wellness: Wellness-related survey questions.
Wellness Cloud: Most frequently-used words from Wellness open-ended questions.
Thriving: Thriving-related survey questions.
Thriving Cloud: Most frequently-used words from Thriving open-ended questions.
Community: Community-related survey questions.
Community Cloud: Most frequently-used words from Community open-ended questions.
Note: This visualization is designed to be viewed from a desktop or laptop computer and may not display properly when viewed from other devices.
If you have any questions about this visualization, please contact OIE’s Research Manager at
Respondents self-identified as one of the following categories: Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: women, men, trans women, trans men, gender non-binary/genderqueer/non-conforming, or a choice to decline identification. The Women category includes all respondents identifying as women. The Men category includes all respondents identifying as men. The Transgender/Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and/or non-conforming. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
URM: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
All UCI: Because this is an enterprise-wide survey, the All UCI category includes the overall responses from the entire sample (i.e., all respondents from both the main UCI campus and the Medical Center).
Non-Academic: The Non-Academic category primarily consists of staff who completed the survey but did not identify membership with a specific academic school or program. For example, staff members from OIE who completed the survey would be listed in the Non-Academic category. This category likewise includes students and faculty who did not provide identification with a specific school or program.
STEM/Non-STEM: Although definitions of STEM categories vary, we are coinciding with the initial data and template provided to the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) in their ongoing process to assist in the development of OIE’s Action Plan. We are also presenting the survey results by Schools rather than by programs. Under these circumstances, STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Biological Sciences, Engineering, ICS, Medicine, Nursing Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Public Health. Non-STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Law, Social Ecology, and Social Sciences.
Group: Respondents identified as Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, Faculty, Staff, and Other. The "Other" category includes alumni, University Hills residents, and those who declined to provide identification. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: male/man, female/woman, nonbinary/third gender, intersex, or a choice to decline stating their identification. The Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as non-binary, third gender, intersex, or another/different open-ended identity. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
Ethnicity: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
Interaction with UCIPD: All results in this visualization can be further filtered on the basis of respondents' prior interactions with UCIPD. "Voluntary Only" reflects respondents who have only initiated contact with the UCIPD voluntarily (i.e. have not been stopped by UCIPD). "Involuntary Only" reflects respondents who have only been stopped or approached and questioned by UCIPD (i.e. have never voluntarily initiated contact with UCIPD). "No Interaction" reflects respondents who have had no prior interactions with the UCIPD.
*Information regarding respondents' sexual orientations was collected, but in order to preserve the privacy of groups with small numbers and potentially identifiable members, this information is included in the written report but not incorporated into the interactive visualization.
Below is a visualization of the results from the Community Safety Survey conducted by OIE. An explanation of the counting rules for demographic groups is provided below the visualization. A detailed guide for using Tableau can be found here: OIE Tableau Dashboard Guide
The Community Safety Survey tab descriptions are as follows:
Summary: Demographic distributions for the survey sample.
General Police Beliefs: Beliefs about the United States police's decision-making and treatment of others.
UCIPD Beliefs: Beliefs about the UCIPD's decision-making and treatment of others.
UCIPD Trust: Evaluations of trust and confidence in the UCIPD.
Security Sources: Respondents' most popular sources of security and safety at UCI.
Contact Likelihood: Respondents' likelihood of engaging with UCIPD under a variety of hypothetical scenarios.
Voluntary Interaction: Number of times and reasons stated for respondents contacting the UCIPD.
Involuntary Interaction: Number of times and reasons stated for respondents being stopped by the UCIPD.
Other Interaction: Other types of interactions and engagement activities with the UCIPD.
Encounter Treatment: Evaluations of UCIPD behavior during a given encounter.
Post-Encounter Support: Evaluations of support received after a given encounter.
Proposed Strategies: Respondents' endorsement of various community safety reform strategies.
Proposed Responsibilities: Respondents' endorsement of UCIPD's level of responsibility for various circumstances.
Note: This visualization is designed to be viewed from a desktop or laptop computer and may not display properly when viewed from other devices.
If you have any questions about this visualization, please contact OIE’s Research Manager at
Respondents self-identified as one of the following categories: Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: women, men, trans women, trans men, gender non-binary/genderqueer/non-conforming, or a choice to decline identification. The Women category includes all respondents identifying as women. The Men category includes all respondents identifying as men. The Transgender/Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and/or non-conforming. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
URM: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
All UCI: Because this is an enterprise-wide survey, the All UCI category includes the overall responses from the entire sample (i.e., all respondents from both the main UCI campus and the Medical Center).
Non-Academic: The Non-Academic category primarily consists of staff who completed the survey but did not identify membership with a specific academic school or program. For example, staff members from OIE who completed the survey would be listed in the Non-Academic category. This category likewise includes students and faculty who did not provide identification with a specific school or program.
STEM/Non-STEM: Although definitions of STEM categories vary, we are coinciding with the initial data and template provided to the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) in their ongoing process to assist in the development of OIE’s Action Plan. We are also presenting the survey results by Schools rather than by programs. Under these circumstances, STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Biological Sciences, Engineering, ICS, Medicine, Nursing Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Public Health. Non-STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Law, Social Ecology, and Social Sciences.
Group: Respondents identified as Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, Faculty, Staff, and Other. The "Other" category includes alumni, University Hills residents, and those who declined to provide identification. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: male/man, female/woman, nonbinary/third gender, intersex, or a choice to decline stating their identification. The Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as non-binary, third gender, intersex, or another/different open-ended identity. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
Ethnicity: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
Interaction with UCIPD: All results in this visualization can be further filtered on the basis of respondents' prior interactions with UCIPD. "Voluntary Only" reflects respondents who have only initiated contact with the UCIPD voluntarily (i.e. have not been stopped by UCIPD). "Involuntary Only" reflects respondents who have only been stopped or approached and questioned by UCIPD (i.e. have never voluntarily initiated contact with UCIPD). "No Interaction" reflects respondents who have had no prior interactions with the UCIPD.
*Information regarding respondents' sexual orientations was collected, but in order to preserve the privacy of groups with small numbers and potentially identifiable members, this information is included in the written report but not incorporated into the interactive visualization.
Below is a visualization of the results from the Unit Equity Review conducted by OIE. The Unit Equity Review was administered yearly to graduate students, faculty, and staff in select academic schools from 2019-20 to 2022-23. This survey was originally designed with help from faculty groups (e.g., the Provost Leadership Academy) to identify climate issues and provide a benchmark for assisting leadership in addressing such issues and creating more inclusive environments in their schools. The survey covers a range of topics, including relationships between students, faculty and staff, opinions about the school, and specific beliefs and behaviors related to diversity, equity, and inclusion.
A detailed guide for using Tableau can be found here: OIE Tableau Dashboard Guide
The Sample Summary tab of the visualization provides an overview of respondents who participated in the survey over the years. Selecting the "Area" drop-down menu will open a list of options for reviewing the results by academic year, school groupings (i.e., Health Sciences, STEM, and Non-STEM), or for individual schools.
The Composite Averages tab provides response averages for the survey, disaggregated by personnel group, gender identity, and URM status. Multiple survey items related to the same concept were grouped together into composites presented in this visualization. The "Area" drop-down menu provides a list of respondent groups similar to those seen in the Sample Summary, while the "Question Set" drop-down menu lists each of the composites from the survey. A definition of the selected composite and the measurement scale used throughout the survey are displayed to the right of the visualization. Hovering or placing your cursor over any of the bars in the chart will provide information about the selected group, its average score, and which category this score represents on the scale.
The Individual Item Averages tab provides response averages for the individual items that make up the composites of the survey, disaggregated by personnel group, gender identity, and URM status. In order to maintain confidentiality of the responses and legibility of the visualization, only the aggregate results for the entire UCI sample are presented in this tab. The "Question" drop-down menu provides a list of items used in the survey, with the respective composite noted in parentheses. The full text of the selected item is displayed above the visualization, while the measurement scale is displayed to the right. Hovering or placing your cursor over any of the bars in the chart will provide information about the selected group, its average score, and which category this score represents on the scale.
Note: This visualization is designed to be viewed from a desktop or laptop computer and may not display properly when viewed from other devices.
If you have any questions about this visualization, please contact OIE’s Research Manager at
Respondents self-identified as one of the following categories: Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Faculty, and Staff. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: women, men, trans women, trans men, gender non-binary/genderqueer/non-conforming, or a choice to decline identification. The Women category includes all respondents identifying as women. The Men category includes all respondents identifying as men. The Transgender/Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as transgender, non-binary, genderqueer, and/or non-conforming. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
URM: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
All UCI: Because this is an enterprise-wide survey, the All UCI category includes the overall responses from the entire sample (i.e., all respondents from both the main UCI campus and the Medical Center).
Non-Academic: The Non-Academic category primarily consists of staff who completed the survey but did not identify membership with a specific academic school or program. For example, staff members from OIE who completed the survey would be listed in the Non-Academic category. This category likewise includes students and faculty who did not provide identification with a specific school or program.
STEM/Non-STEM: Although definitions of STEM categories vary, we are coinciding with the initial data and template provided to the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities (APLU) in their ongoing process to assist in the development of OIE’s Action Plan. We are also presenting the survey results by Schools rather than by programs. Under these circumstances, STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Biological Sciences, Engineering, ICS, Medicine, Nursing Science, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Physical Sciences, and Public Health. Non-STEM refers to the following schools/areas: Arts, Business, Education, Humanities, Law, Social Ecology, and Social Sciences.
Group: Respondents identified as Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Scholars, Faculty, Staff, and Other. The "Other" category includes alumni, University Hills residents, and those who declined to provide identification. The Graduate Student category includes graduate students as well as professional students and postdoctoral scholars. The Faculty category includes Senate and non-Senate faculty as well as tenured and non-tenured faculty. The Staff category includes individuals from all ranks, including managers and administrators.
Gender: Gender categories were based on a demographic question asking respondents to identify as: male/man, female/woman, nonbinary/third gender, intersex, or a choice to decline stating their identification. The Nonbinary category includes all respondents identifying as non-binary, third gender, intersex, or another/different open-ended identity. The Declined category includes every respondent who declined to answer the question, regardless of their actual gender identity.
Ethnicity: Underrepresented minority (URM) status was determined based on a demographic question related to ethnicity. Any individual identifying as any of the following groups was considered URM: American Indian or Alaskan Native, Black or African American, Hispanic or Latino, and Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander.
Interaction with UCIPD: All results in this visualization can be further filtered on the basis of respondents' prior interactions with UCIPD. "Voluntary Only" reflects respondents who have only initiated contact with the UCIPD voluntarily (i.e. have not been stopped by UCIPD). "Involuntary Only" reflects respondents who have only been stopped or approached and questioned by UCIPD (i.e. have never voluntarily initiated contact with UCIPD). "No Interaction" reflects respondents who have had no prior interactions with the UCIPD.
*Information regarding respondents' sexual orientations was collected, but in order to preserve the privacy of groups with small numbers and potentially identifiable members, this information is included in the written report but not incorporated into the interactive visualization.