Confronting Extremism Messages

Below you'll find our post category archive. Note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.


Office of Inclusive Excellence | Why Juneteenth Matters in 2020 ♥★✚

Dear campus community, Today the campus observes the 155th anniversary of Juneteenth or National Freedom Day. It refers to the date when enslaved Black men, women and children in the state of Texas collectively marked their emancipation at the end of the Civil War. Since then, Juneteenth not only commemorates the ending of chattel slavery by Black communities, but also bears witness to the millions of Black people who were enslaved and exploited for well over 400 years. (For more information, visit the National Museum of African American History & Culture: Juneteenth is different from the celebration of national…


Office of Inclusive Excellence | Message on Anti-Black Racism ♥ ★ ✚

Dear colleagues, “We are in this together” has become a common phrase as we confront this unprecedented pandemic. The sentiment captures the genuine appreciation for the courage of first responders and essential workers whom we rely on to keep our communities running. It also acknowledges the hard realities of sickness, death and the growing economic damage that individuals, families and communities are experiencing. The persistence of anti-Black racism belies this sentiment. Just this week in New York City, Amy Cooper, a white woman, falsely reported to the police that Christian Cooper, a Black man, was threatening her in Central Park….

confronting extremism are we in this together?

Funding Call for Senate Faculty to Advance Equity During COVID-19 | Due May 15

Dear Campus Community, The Office of Inclusive Excellence solicits proposals from all Senate faculty to explore “Are We in This Together? Advancing Equity in an Age of COVID-19.” Complete proposals must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. (Pacific time) on Friday, May 15, 2020 at: The current pandemic has profoundly interrupted patterns of work and life while causing widespread sickness and death at local, national and global levels. Even as the ongoing responses reflect the courage and ingenuity of people, communities and organizations, the impact of the novel coronavirus has created and transformed as well as exposed and…

Racial Bias in America

Racial Bias in America

ABOUT THE SPEAKER Jeffery Robinson is a deputy legal director and the director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) Trone Center for Justice and Equality.  Robinson is a faculty member of the National Criminal Defense College and has spoken nationally on the role of race in the criminal justice system. INTRODUCTION “Racial Bias in America: How Did We Get Here and Why Are We Stuck?” examines the history of race in America, from the perspective of Jeffery Robinson, a nationally recognized trial attorney and respected teacher of trial advocacy.  Robinson challenges historical myths and proposes strategies to support social…

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Hate Crime in San Diego

A message from Chancellor Howard Gillman Last Saturday – the final day of Passover – hate visited the Chabad Poway synagogue during morning worship service. In the wake of the ensuing gunfire a life was lost, several people were wounded, and many more traumatized. Like the mass shooting at the Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue last October, this attack was a hate crime motivated by anti-Semitism, which is dramatically on the rise in the United States and around the world. One hate crime is one too many. It is troubling that so many faith communities have been affected by hate….

douglas haynes

Fortifying Our Campus Community by Confronting Extremism and Hate

Dear Campus Community, “Hello Brother” is how a Muslim worshiper greeted a visitor to a mosque in Christchurch, New Zealand last Friday. The visitor entered the Al Noor Mosque with hate in his heart and armed with weapons to kill as many people as possible. The subsequent attack on this mosque and a second at Linwood Mosque resulted in the deaths of at least 50 people – men, women and children. Many others were wounded. Motivated by anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and white supremacist ideology, this act of Islamophobia was designed to cause even greater psychological and emotional damage to Muslim people…

douglas haynes

Hope Through Strengthening Community

Hope Through Strengthening Community Dear Campus Community, The mass shooting at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue on Saturday morning is a stark reminder of the presence and persistence of anti-Semitism in the United States. In 2017, anti-Semitic incidents surged nearly 60% over the previous year, the largest single-year increase on record, and the second-highest number reported since the Anti-Defamation League started tracking anti-Semitic incidents in 1979 (anti-Semitic incidents report). More generally, hate crimes in the nation’s ten largest cities increased by 12% in 2017, reaching their highest level in more than a decade (Report to the Nation Hate Crimes Rise…

UCI Aldrich Hall clock

A Message from the Chancellor: Today’s Events in Pittsburgh

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Special Call for Projects 2018-2019 – Provost Initiative on Confronting Extremism

Dear Members of the UCI Faculty: We are writing to invite your participation in this Special Call for Projects on Confronting Extremism, a collaboration between the Office of Inclusive Excellence (OIE) and the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP). Within the framework of the Provost Experiential Alliances to Confront Extremism (PEACE), the proposed projects will engage undergraduate or graduate students in opportunities to honor free speech while developing campus action strategies in one of three focus areas listed below. 1. Confronting the denial of our common humanity – working on faculty projects that explore the origins and sources, causes and consequences,…

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Introducing UCI Confronting Extremism

To: All faculty, staff and students From: Chancellor Howard Gillman and Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor Enrique Lavernia Subject: Introducing UCI Confronting Extremism Distribution date: Oct. 24, 2017 To the Anteater community: The world is changing. In recent years and months, we have seen increasing displays of hate, violence and unrest entrenched in extremism. While it is easy to simply ignore the discord around us, it is vital that we confront extremism head-on with our collective values of tolerance, equity, diversity, inclusion and free speech. In September, civil rights leader the Rev. Jesse Jackson Sr. visited the campus and reminded…