SCIENCE MAGAZINE | ‘A time of reckoning.’ How scientists confronted anti-Black racism and built community in 2020 ♥ ★ ✚

‘A time of reckoning.’ How scientists confronted anti-Black racism and built community in 2020

BOTY BlackIn 1280, UC Irvine Office of Inclusive Excellence

Science Magazine | December 21, 2020

One of those institutions is the University of California, Irvine, which in August announced a university-wide initiative that aims to confront anti-Blackness—by, for instance, changing the campus culture, hiring new faculty members, and intensifying recruitment of underrepresented undergraduate and graduate students. “We need to mobilize the entire campus—not just the early adopters or the usual suspects, but really all dimensions of the university” so the burden of solving problems doesn’t fall just on Black people, says Douglas Haynes, vice chancellor for equity, diversity, and inclusion.