Recent News
Below you'll find our post category archive. Note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.
Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program – Spring 2020 ♥★✚
Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program Today, UCI is more diverse than it was in 1965, when the campus opened to welcome students, staff and faculty. But, is it more equitable and more inclusive? The Inclusive Excellence Certificate Program equips the campus community – faculty, students, and staff at both the main campus and medical center – to appreciate UCI from the vantage point of different campus constituencies. Participants who successfully complete the core course, UCI as a Minority Thriving Campus, plus one of the elective courses, either Wellness or Community, will receive an Inclusive Excellence certificate. For faculty, this certification aligns…
Formal Review of Proposed Presidential Policy on Gender Recognition and Lived Name ♥★✚
Dear Campus Community, UCI is committed to cultivating an inclusive culture in support of the transgender and gender non-binary community. To this end, I write to urge you to review the proposed Presidential Policy: Gender Recognition and Lived Name by Thursday, April 30. Proposed Presidential Policy: Gender Recognition and Lived Name Appendix of Proposed Presidential Policy: Gender Recognition and Lived Name It is proposed that the policy be fully implemented by UC campuses and locations by July 1, 2021, and it includes the following key issues: The University must provide three equally recognized gender options on university-issued documents and information…
UCI Community Members Encouraged to Participate in the U.S. Census
Dear Campus Community, I am writing to encourage your participation in the U.S. Census. On April 1, citizens and permanent residents as well as enrolled domestic out of state and international graduate students and undergraduates will receive an invitation at your home or dwelling to complete a short questionnaire online, by phone or by mail. The questions refer to you and everyone who lives with you. Your responses will promote the well-being of all residents in all 50 states and five territories. As a non-partisan governmental agency, the U.S. Census Bureau is required by law to protect your responses and…
Zoombombing Update
As universities return from Spring Break to remote learning environments, incidents of “Zoom-bombing” have been reported throughout the country. It’s important to note that UCI has procedures in place to secure remote meetings and does not tolerate the disruption of presenters, speakers, instruction and other university activities. Please see UCI’s guidance for the disruption of university activities for more detailed information.
Inclusivity during difficult times ♥ ★ ✚
The Coronavirus pandemic is a global event affecting more than 25 countries. As you have read in recent campus messages from Dr. Albert Chang, medical director of the Student Health Center, there is still much that is unknown clinically about the novel virus. Knowledge is critical in informing how we respond, and it is for this reason that researchers – at UCI and around the world – are actively engaged in understanding and containing this novel virus. Campus leaders, faculty experts, and student ambassadors are striving to share evidence-based best practices from the Centers for Disease Control, continually updating our…