BTI Achievements

Below you'll find our post category archive. Note that many titles will have , , and at the end of the text. These help identify pages, posts, and events representing our three core values: Community, Thriving, and Wellness. To learn more about this, read about our Action Plan. These also all help support our #ActForInclusion.

Professor Frank B. Wilderson, III and Saidiya Hartman

THE NEW YORKER | Professor Frank B. Wilderson, III and How Saidiya Hartman Retells the History of Black Life ♥

Angelina Dukes

‘We do belong here’: The scientist behind #BlackInNeuro hopes to transform a Twitter movement into a lasting community

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Investing in Student Achievement and Honoring Black Faculty through Fundraising and Philanthropic Gifts

<<Back to Black Thriving Initiative Investing in Student Achievement and Honoring Black Faculty through Fundraising and Philanthropic Gifts The final component of the community Initiative revolves around investing in student achievement and honoring Black faculty. Currently, there are several opportunities for continued and accelerated philanthropic support. Dr. Joseph L. White Lecture (Cross Cultural Center, Division of Student Affairs) The Dr. Joseph L. White Lecture was established as a tribute to the emeritus professor and this event has become a major national forum for thought leaders. In 1969, Dr. White was recruited to UCI by founding Chancellor Daniel G. Aldrich Jr….

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Drawing upon Evidence-Based Practices for Staff Leaders

<< Return to Mission: Mobilizing the Whole University to Promote Black Student Success, Degree Completion, and Advancement in UCI’s Academic Programs   Drawing upon Evidence-Based Practices for Staff Leaders Staff members represent a mainstay to support the research productivity and student learning and development at UCI.  However, Black representation across all staff has stagnated at 3% for over a decade and specifically it has dwindled among senior management group leadership to a current low of 14% at a time when the university is using various programs to diversify faculty and students. Alongside all Office of Inclusive Excellence certificate and other…

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From Black Deserts to a Thriving Academic Culture for Black Students

<< Return to Mission: Mobilizing the Whole University to Promote Black Student Success, Degree Completion, and Advancement in UCI’s Academic Programs   From Black Deserts to a Thriving Academic Culture for Black Students Black undergraduates and graduates are severely under-represented in the student population in general and in academic programs in particular. They experience a virtual absence of Black academic leaders and faculty. Of the 15 academic or professional schools, only two deans are Black: Business and Law – both firsts. In addition to Engineering, there have been three Black deans of academic schools in the entire history of UCI….

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Making UCI a First Choice for Black Students

<< Return to Mission: Mobilizing the Whole University to Promote Black Student Success, Degree Completion, and Advancement in UCI’s Academic Programs   Making UCI a First Choice for Black Students Increasing the enrollment of Black undergraduates and graduate students is an essential condition to building a thriving culture for Black people at UCI. Over a ten-year period, enrollments for undergraduates and graduate students have grown, but the proportion of Black students has remained steady or only modestly increased. Unless there is a substantial change in our strategy, the proportion will largely remain unchanged. This will contribute to a profound sense…

Michele Goodwin

UCI Law Chancellor’s Professor of Law Michele Goodwin Recipient of a 2020-21 Academic Senate Distinguished Faculty Award

UCI Law is delighted to announce that Chancellor’s Professor of Law Michele Goodwin is the recipient of a UCI 2020-21 Academic Senate Distinguished Faculty Award. The award is the highest honor bestowed by the Academic Senate – it is given to a Senate member who has achieved excellence through their activities in research, mentorship, teaching, and service.


University of California – Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative | Deadline: March 15, 2019

University of California – Historically Black Colleges and Universities Initiative | Deadline: March 15, 2019 Dear Colleagues, The Call for Proposals for the University of California-Historically Black Colleges and Universities (UC-HBCU) Initiative for 2018-2019 has been released. I want to urge you to consider this funding opportunity. The purpose of the initiative is to increase the participation of graduates of Historically Black Colleges and Universities in the wide array of distinguished doctoral and MFA programs throughout the UC system. The competition provides for two types of funding: Summer Research Internship Support Grant and Summer Research and Graduate Admission Pathways Grant….

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SOCIAL SCIENCES | First gen mentor earns teaching excellence award

man watched a dancer performing

UCI NEWS | Modern dance giant Donald McKayle has died